vacation rentals in Vendée

Leisure activities within an hour’s drive of the campsite

Visiting the Vendée ? Then don’t miss the must-see Vendée islands:

visit to Vendée

La Bourrine du Bois Juquaud

Built in 1818, the Bourrine du Bois Juquaud is a magnificent example of earth and reed construction, bearing witness to the precarious living conditions of the “Maraîchin” in the Marais Breton. It consists of the bourrine itself, the living quarters, which has been restored, and numerous outbuildings, which, thanks to testimonials, have been rebuilt as they once were. The large gallery houses the cart, the small gallery the old-fashioned fuels (wood, beans, grainettes, bousats), the dairy, the milk cans and other “trasses”, the “jouquritt”, the black chickens that roost there for the night…
In the kitchen garden surrounded by a sandy embankment, old varieties of vegetables are grown using traditional techniques. Since July 2008, a new reception area with an exhibition room, a projection room and a multimedia area have been added to this privileged site, enabling you to better understand and appreciate the specific features of our heritage. Starting point for numerous hikes in the Pays de Vie and Pays de Monts.

All year round by appointment: Heritage workshops for schoolchildren: butter churning,
wool working, introduction to traditional dances. Guided tours for groups of 20 or more.
Tel: 02 51 49 27 37

Les Marais Salants de la Vie

The restoration of the old salt marshes has brought salt production back to life. In the salorge, a model and an exhibition explain how salt marshes work and the stages in salt formation. The salt-maker will show you the fauna and flora of the saltworks, as well as traditional salt harvesting techniques.

Rond point des Marais Salants – RD 38 bis
(semi-rapid St Gilles – Saint Hilaire)

discover the salt marshes
water park Vendée

Explora park

Leisure and recreation park offering activities for the whole family from age 3 upwards: Accrobranche, Trampo’filet, virtual reality, laser tag, archery tag, archery, Explor’aventure…
Just 20 minutes from Riez beach campsite, enjoy a fun-filled day out with the whole family!
Our partner offers a discount on presentation of your bracelet at the park reception desk.

Atlantic Toboggan

Around a vast stretch of water designed for your pleasure, discover a fabulous array of water-themed installations: the “wide track” for group descents, the “boa” unfurling its 250 meters of meanders and, above all, the impressive “kamikaz” for thrills and spills.
In water at 28°C, giant wave pool, river of buoys (100 meters long), children’s play pool, Jacuzzi, whirlpools, geysers, etc.
Avenue des Becs – Tel: 02 51 59 64 92

water park Vendée
grand défi park in Vendée

Le Grand défi – Saint Julien des Landes

An ideal adventure park for a family day out. From accrobranche to paintball, lasertag to pony rides, there’s plenty of choice for young and old alike.

Vélo Rail – Commequiers

Enjoy a ride in the countryside with family or friends (2 to 4 people per carriage), on 10 km of old railroad track. This is what the Vélo Rail offers you.
You’ll discover a specific flora, cross the river La Vie, pass through the old railway station of Saint Maixent sur Vie…
The velo-rail’s operating mode is extremely simple: all you have to do is pedal for the track to move forward. Reservations essential all year round. Departure and arrival at Commequiers.
Tel: 02 51 54 79 99

bike rail in Vendée